A partnership between Oregon State University, Real Time Research, and the USGS - Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

Notes from the Field

Caspian Haiku: Japanese poetry taking a tern for the worseCaspian Haiku: Japanese poetry taking a tern for the worse

#1 To Justify Existence.

Salmon in red bill
Cap as black as death to scorn
These bands on my legs

#2 On the Burden of Progeny.

Oh chick where art though?!
Silverside awaits-alas!
Gull predation’s toll…

#3 The Field Technician’s Eternal Woe.

Plot count then gull scan
MDR, GPR, damn!
I forgot my lunch

#4 A Fragmentation of Self Through Society’s Mirrored Haze.

Body elongate.
Large-eyed with silvery sheen.
Compressed. What am I?!


- Nick Broman, Fish and Wildlife Technician, San Francisico Bay

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Observations and creative in-sights by members of our field crew