A partnership between Oregon State University, Real Time Research, and the USGS - Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

Agua Vista Park

Auga Vista Park tern colonyThis small Caspian tern colony near Agua Vista Park was discovered during the 2002 nesting season and was estimated to consist of 38 nesting pairs in 2004, although the size of the colony has declined recently (8 breeding pairs in 2009). The colony formerly existed on two decaying fragments of a former wooden pier (Pier 63) on the San Francisco waterfront, just south of Pacific Bell Park (home of the SF Giants). The colony gets its name from a very small park of that name on the shores of the Bay adjacent to the collapsing pier. The section of pier nearest the shore has completely rotted away, leaving the outer sections unconnected to the mainland and thus free of mammalian predators. The Caspian terns currently nest on one remaining section of pier, digging nest scrapes in the dirt and debris on the surface. Several pairs of western gulls also nest in the vicinity, including on the section of pier where the terns nest. This pier fragment appears to be in imminent danger of collapsing. The owner of the property is the San Francisco Port Authority.

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